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Sales statistics 2018

The Tyre Specialists of Finland’s sales statistics are published once a month. The statistics are compiled on information from 19-member companies, which are representing 206 of 258 outlets. The number of product groups is 8. The coverage of the sales statistics is statistically quite remarkable.

The product groups are the following: Passenger Car Summer tyres, Passenger Car Winter tyres, Light Commercial Vehicle Summer tyres, Light Commercial Vehicle Winter tyres, new Heavy Commercial Vehicle Tyres, retreaded Heavy Commercial Vehicle Tyres (client retreading and retreading on own casings), Agricultural machinery tyres and special rims.

ProductgroupChange % 31.12.2017-31.12.2018
1.Passenger Car Summertyres-5%
2.Passenger Car Wintertyres8%
3.Light Commercial Vehicle Summertyres-5%
4.Light Commercial Vehicle Wintertyres-3%
5.New Heavy Commercial Vehicle Tyres2%
6.Retreaded Heavy Commercial Vehicle Tyres (client retreading and retreading on own casings)5%
7.Agricultural Machine Tyres-9%
8.Special rims-3%

The Association’s sales statistics of 2018 indicate that the aftermarket of summer tyres has decreased by 5 % and the sales of winter tyres has increased by 8 %. The statistics also indicate a decrease by 5 % in the sales of summer tyres for light commercial vehicles and by 3 % in the sales of winter tyres. The sales of retreaded heavy commercial vehicle tyres have increased by 5 % and new HCV tyres by 2 %.

Retreading statistics 2016 – 2018

Statistics, based on information provided by importers and manufacturers of retreading materials, indicate that the number of car tyres retread decreased from 19 368 to 7 000 in 2018. The number of HCV tyres given retreads in the same period in 2018 was 144.749.

Passenger Car53 05419 3687 000
Light Commercial Vehicle (pre-vulcanised)1 6481 2411 519
Heavy Commercial Vehicle (pre-vulcanised)147 777144 404144 749

Tyre markets

The total market size of passenger car and Light Commercial Vehicle tyres is about 3,7 million tyres.  The share of passenger cars is about 3 330 000 tyres and the LCV’s about 370 000 tyres. About 1,42 Million new summer tyres are sold for passenger cars and some 1.91 Million new winter tyres. The share of LCV’s includes summer and winter tyres. The total market of new Heavy Commercial Vehicle (bus and truck) is estimated to some 150 000 pieces annually.

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